Monday, December 15, 2008

Baked Alaska!

This is a traditional final banquet dessert at HWH every year! Try it at home!

Baked Alaska serves 40 this is the smallest amount for this recipe! Here is an easy recipe for a Holiday desert to wow your guests.

5# fudge brownie mix
1qt van ice cream
1qt peppermint stick ice cream
1qt chocolate ice cream
25 egg whites
1 cup sugar
151 proof rum - “to provide a flaming Alaska!”

Prepare brownies according to box directions. You need 4-8 1/2"x11" pans aluminum or glass. Then line with wax parchment, even up the sides. Bake according to directions on box. When brownies are done let cool for 5 minutes then place in freezer leaving in pans. Let brownies freeze hard, this may take several hours. Once brownies are frozen, remove from pan and peel off parchment. On a small sheet pan (which you may line with foil, shiny side up) place one brownie. Working quickly so ice cream does not melt; take vanilla ice cream and peel away container and slice ice cream in 3/4" thickness and place on brownie. Then place another brownie on top. Follow the same steps - You will end up with brownie, vanilla, brownie, peppermint stick, brownie, chocolate, brownie Place in freezer to freeze hard.
Prepare meringue by whipping egg whites on high speed until creamy but not yet peeking. Add sugar and whip until peeks form when touching a rubber spatula to the meringue, do not over whip!

Remove brownie, ice cream from freezer and cover completely with meringue forming peeks by lifting spatula. Place in freezer until ready to serve.

When ready to serve have your oven pre-heated to 450*. Put in baked Alaska for 3-4 minutes just to brown the peeks of meringue.

Remove from oven then pour about two shots of 151 rum over top of Alaska and light. A nice blue flame will top off the baked Alaska. Slice and serve.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hayo-Went-Ha Campers across the years.

Here is a photo of Jeff Kurnick who is a current camper and his grandfather Jim Krohn- who was a camper during the 1930's.